Bread and circuses was a term used in Roman times that referred to the appeasement of the masses by means of offerring superficial incentives.
Bread and Circuses showcases a selection of short linear documentaries. These vignettes have been produced either by myself or members of the community that I will be exploring. This project aims to elucidate how music and creativity can help to maintain wellbeing.
The project’s title, Bread and Circuses, is a term adapted from the Roman era, it was coined by the ruling class as a means to appease the commoners. Those in power would offer incentives like free food and entertainment in the hope that it would circumvent rebellion.
This is a notion that relates to my project as the participants have broken away from the social dominant system to become independent and self sufficient, never the less, food and entertainment are still necessities but by contrast, these participants acquire food by providing there own circus, it is their music that is the foundation for their happiness and survival.